Admittedly, most cameras seem to have an X in their name these days 😉 . I further admit that I can’t see the point in owning multiple Fuji X cameras. I can see myself wanting two FF cameras to shoot events, but otherwise I’m glad I sold my X-Pro1. Cameras like that ought to be used, not sit on the shelf. Equally though, I’ve been through a period of not enjoying shooting so much with my Fuji X cameras.



It’s fair to say I recognise the issue that Steve Huff described in his review of the X-E2 around image flatness, though I do not attribute it to the x-trans sensor like him, but rather to the metering/exposure defaults in the cameras. They suit some conditions but not others (notably really contrasty light) when the meter seems to go crazy (but you can still get decent exposures manually). That said, in favourable conditions the results from the x-trans sensor are stunning.




I bought a X-E2 back in October last year and I was initially very impressed with the camera and its results. It was a big improvement in focus speed over the X-E1 in good light. The wifi (which I’ve rapidly come to the conclusion is an essential for new cameras) is excellent and easy to use, particularly when out and about. It had improved high ISO image quality over the X-E1 and X-Pro1.



But it wasn’t so great in the mirk of dark winter (primarily because of the auto iso implementation – it was fine in manual), nor the extreme contrast when the sun emerged. In fairness, my poor photography abilities must take some of the credit, but there’s no doubt that I had some issues with image quality.


Brown, yellow and orange

Equally, while I liked the was the X-E2 looked, the viewfinder and fixed rear screen were a bit of a pain. The viewfinder in particular suffered from light leakage in low light. That said, the improved refresh rate was much better than the X-E1. Somehow though, I didn’t really bond with it. It still takes lovely photos, but I wasn’t sure it was for me. Classic camera where initially I felt like it was great, but thereafter was reminded why I preferred my X-Pro1 to my X-E1!




All of that said, I had a lot of fun with the Samyang Fisheye I bought for it before Christmas – incredibly sharp and contrasty, with memorably fun results.



All is not lost in the world of Fuji though, because today Fuji announced the X-T1, a DSLR shaped X camera with the same sensor but a number of functional and ergonomic improvements. It looks like an exciting camera. and it looks like it was built to last too, with a weather-sealed magnesium alloy body with a substantive grip and an ISO dial. Marvellously it comes with an enormous x0.77 viewfinder and improved manual focus aids. I’m inclined to give it a try.



More on this later…

Pictures taken with my X-E2

8 thoughts

  1. Good commentary and images. I still love my x100 but looking to add the X-E2 at some stage, now the X-T1 must be in the mix. I look forward to your thoughts on the X-T1 if you do give it a try. All the best Andy

  2. ….”my poor photography abilities must take some of the credit”…

    Now, that’s just crazy talk. I love your pictures and can’t wait for you to (hopefully) get your hands on the X-T1.

    Love what Fuji has been doing ever since the X-100.

    • Jan,

      Thanks for the comment and the kind words. I do plan to try out the X-t1. It would be crazy not to, since it addresses a number of my niggles with the system thus far while keeping what’s great, the sensor and it’s great colour depth.



  3. Pingback: X | Simon Goldsworthy › By TOMEN

  4. If you’ve decided something is wrong with your X-E2 images then why the interest in the X-T1? Exact same sensor, exact same processor. With the same lenses your photos will look the same, and we’ll be reading a post just like this in a few more months.

    You liked the X-Pro1 more than the X -E2 but now the X-T1 could be the solution to your problems?

    If you like Steve’s reviews then maybe you should buy a camera he recommends. It sounds like you’re ready for a new camera–I just don’t see the X-T1 changing anything. Find something you’re happy shooting.

    I realize this is a limited selection of images but it would appear that this camera and photographer work pretty well together.

    Good luck!

    • Hey, don’t misinterpret my views. I don’t think the camera is fundamentally flawed, it’s just not different enough from the x-e1 in the final analysis and the shooting conditions have a tendency at the minute to wipe out the results from my Fuji photography sessions. I’ve always had some gripes about weather sealing and controls but many of these look to have been addressed in the Xt1.



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